For Brands

Get your brand in front of top
stylists, editors + talent pulling for features

Sign up to connect with stylists, editors + talent and get pulls through our platform. Starting at $125/mo.
How It Works
Create your online profile & upload collections
Stylists can browse pieces easily, request items, or receive suggestions based on their project briefs
Manage samples + pulls in one place with the support of our team

Vetted network of

stylists, editors + talent

Consistent features from stylists,

world class celebrities, major

publications + established artists

Pitch for projects

Receive requests for specific

pieces, or pitch for upcoming

styling projects.

No retainers

Monthly fee starting at $125/mo.

will vary depending on the

number of pulls executed

Too far to ship? Store

samples with us

We handle sample archive +

logistics support so you can focus

on the important things


Digital showroom
$125 - $180/mobased on the number of requests confirmed
Each month starts at the base rate and increases $30 with each additional request you approve
  • Showcase your collections on the platform
  • Provide pieces for celebrity events, photoshoots, editorials
  • Manage & track all pulls and returns in one place
Digital showroom + NYC sample management
$249/mo + $30/pull
Perfect for international brands!
  • Everything Digital
  • + Store up to 25 pieces at our NY facility at Flatiron
  • + All your sample-trafficking handled by Pullquest
Our Studio
  • convenient williamsburg location
    15 min from manhattan
  • professional and attentive team
  • events coming soon!
140 jackson st, 1D
brooklyn, ny 11211

Join our community of stylists, editors + talent